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    Court Refuses to Order Girl's Return to Lithuania

    When making decisions about where and with whom a child should live, the courts will prioritise the welfare of the child and will take the child's own views into consideration where appropriate. In a recent case, the High Court rejected a father's...

    Court Orders Correction of Errors in Partnership Accounts

    The passage of time does not necessarily prevent partners from revisiting partnership accounts that they believe are inaccurate. The High Court demonstrated the point in directing that a number of errors in a family partnership's accounts be corrected. In...

    Ruling That LPAs Not Valid Upheld

    Lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) allow you to appoint someone else to make decisions in respect of your property and financial affairs, and/or your health and welfare, in the event that you lose the capacity to do so yourself. However, an LPA must comply...

    Landlord Granted Dispensation from Consultation Requirements

    Under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 , landlords must consult with leaseholders before carrying out works on a building that will cost any one leaseholder more than £250, or risk being unable to recover any costs above that amount....

    RTM Company Bound by Terms of Existing Lease

    The Right to Manage (RTM) is a method by which leasehold property owners can take over the management of the building they live in. However, an RTM company is bound by the terms of leases that existed before it was set up, as demonstrated by a recent case ...

    HGV Driver's Resignation Defeats Unfair Dismissal Claim

    An HGV driver's unfair dismissal claim has been rejected after the Employment Tribunal (ET) found that his employment contract had already been brought to an end by his resignation ( White v Eddis Transport (Consett) Ltd ). After he was observed to have...

    High Court Rules on Costs of Will Dispute

    Those responsible for administering an estate are generally entitled to recover the costs properly incurred in doing so from the estate. Recently, the High Court ruled on whether costs concerning a dispute over a will and an application to remove the...

    Directors Not Personally Liable for Trade Mark Infringement

    In a recent intellectual property case with wider implications in terms of directors' liability , the Supreme Court ruled that two directors of a wholesaler of clothing, footwear and headgear that infringed another clothing business's trade marks were not...

    Court of Appeal Reduces Wife's Award in Big Money Divorce

    A recent decision of the Court of Appeal in a big money divorce case clarified how the sharing principle should be applied and when assets are subject to it. The couple had married in 2005. The husband had had a successful career in financial services...

    Upper Tribunal Upholds Mega Marshmallows VAT Ruling

    The Upper Tribunal (UT) has upheld a decision of the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) that 'Mega Marshmallows' are not confectionery and are therefore zero-rated for VAT. A wholesaler of American sweets and treats which supplied Mega Marshmallows was issued with...
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