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    Always Seek Legal Expertise to Help Ensure Your Wishes Are Fulfilled

    Having your will drafted by a professional involves only modest expense and has the great advantage of reducing the risk of your bequests being successfully challenged after you are gone. In a case on point, the High Court gave full legal effect to a...

    Business Use of Residential Property - Upper Tribunal Strikes the Balance

    Any proposal to make business use of a purpose-built residential property is likely to draw objections. However, as a case concerning the planned utilisation of an urban dwelling as a privately run home for children in care showed , neighbours' concerns,...

    Family Succession to Secure Tenancies - Court of Appeal Clarifies the Law

    In the realm of social housing, there are few more controversial issues than a child's entitlement to succeed to the secure tenancy of a parent on the latter's death. As a Court of Appeal ruling showed , however, succession rights may quite easily be...

    Are Bonus Clawback Provisions an Unreasonable Restraint of Trade?

    Employment bonuses are commonly awarded on the basis that they must be repaid if recipients leave their jobs within a given period of time. In an important ruling, the High Court considered whether such clawback arrangements are capable of amounting to an...

    Relationship Come to an End? Do You Understand the Tax Implications?

    The end of a relationship will often have important tax implications which might only be apparent to a trained professional. That was certainly so in the case of a woman who, following the collapse of her marriage, was saddled with a substantial Capital...

    First Salvo in Bitter Inheritance Dispute Fired Before Deceased Laid to Rest

    Making a will when your death is imminent is almost never a good idea and is often a positive invitation to dispute between your loved ones after you are gone. In a case on point, the first salvo in a tragic inheritance dispute was fired even before the...

    Football Club's Crowd Control Challenge to Development Kicked Into Touch

    Commercial property owners are often concerned that residential developments may prejudice their longstanding use of their premises. In a High Court case on point , a football club argued that planning consent was granted for thousands of new homes without...

    Divorce - What Happens When Assets are Simply Insufficient to Meet Needs?

    For every headline-grabbing 'big money' divorce case there are hundreds of others where a former couple's assets are simply insufficient to meet their reasonable needs. As a High Court ruling showed, judges take a gender-neutral approach to such cases,...

    Selling a Company? Put Lipstick on a Pig at Your Peril

    When marketing a company, it may be perfectly legitimate to paint its business and prospects in the best possible light. However, as a High Court ruling showed , the thick application of lipstick to a pig may enter the realms of fraud. The case concerned...

    Has Your Home Been Devalued by Public Infrastructure Works?

    To state that location is the only important factor when it comes to valuing a home is a cliché and something of a generalisation. However, as an Upper Tribunal (UT) ruling showed , if public infrastructure works render the location of your property...
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